April 2, 2008

Wow! This would be the first post. Word is, your girl B and her right arm J picked up their marriage license and have 60 days to make it official. Sorry, guys, the word is out. I know how secretive you like to be, but nosy press will not allow (I guess that includes me now).

Is getting married a fad now???? It's like people are just jumping on the bandwagon.

"I'll call you."

"Let's go out tonight."

"Wow, that never happened to me before."

"Let's get married."

"Sure, I'll take off tomorrow."

What? Ya'll know that's how it goes!

I think for now, I'll just stick to the traditional route. I can't just start taking days off all willy-nilly.

And here's our power couple, Mr. and Mrs. aren't they already married---it's about time---don't change your mind in 59 days because we're getting kinda tired of the speculations anyway B.

Hey, this wouldn't happen to be an April Fool's Day joke, would it?

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